Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Well I'm screwed , thanks
The eight-year study of 18,555 women, ages 24 to 42, found that those who ate two or more servings of low-fat dairy products a week were 85 percent more likely to experience ovulation-related infertility than women who ate less than one serving of low-fat dairy products a week."
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Mom taught her 2 kids to fake retardation - Crime & Punishment -
Rosie Costello, 46, admitted in U.S. District Court that she collected more than $280,000 in benefits, beginning in the mid-1980s. Most was from Social Security, but the state social services agency paid $53,000."
College students think they're so special - Mental Health -
The researchers describe their study as the largest ever of its type and say students’ NPI scores have risen steadily since the current test was introduced in 1982. By 2006, they said, two-thirds of the students had above-average scores, 30 percent more than in 1982."
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Friday, February 23, 2007
Cheney continues to drink the blood of puppies
'We haven't taken any options off the table,' Mr Cheney said when asked if a military solution was a realistic option.
'A nuclear-armed Iran is not a very pleasant prospect for anybody to think about.
'It clearly could do significant damage.
'We need to continue to do everything we can to make sure they don't achieve that objective.'"
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Tearful soldier tells court of Iraq rape-murder | U.S. | Reuters
Once at the house, Green, the suspected ringleader, took the girl's mother, father and little sister into a bedroom, Cortez said, while he and Barker took the teenager, Abeer Qassim al-Janabi, to the living room.
'She kept squirming and trying to keep her legs closed and saying stuff in Arabic,' Cortez said"
"During the time me and Barker were raping Abeer, I heard five or six gunshots that came from the bedroom. After Barker was done, Green came out of the bedroom and said that he had killed them all, that all of them were dead," Cortez said.
"Green then placed himself between Abeer's legs to rape her," Cortez said, sniffing audibly. When Green was finished, he "stood up and shot Abeer in the head two or three times." The entire crime took about five minutes to carry out, he added.
Cortez said the girl knew her parents and sister had been shot while she was being raped. He said she screamed and cried throughout the assault.
Dad seeks answers in killing by Wharton police | - Houston Chronicle | News Wires
Frances E. Allen, 75, was honored for her work at IBM Corp. on techniques for optimizing the performance of compilers, the programs that translate one computer language into another. This process is required to turn programming code into the binary zeros and ones actually read by a computer's colossal array of minuscule switches."
We do have royalty....
That figure includes $26.7 million in cash bonuses, $15.4 million in restricted stock and what the bank estimated was $10.3 million worth of stock options.
By way of comparison, John J. Mack, the chairman and chief executive of Goldman’s rival Morgan Stanley, took home a $40 million bonus last year. Merrill Lynch’s chief executive, Stanley O’Neal, got $47.3 million."
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
i need a phone
Every day it starts again
You cannot say if you’re happy
You keep trying to be
Try harder, maybe this is not your year.
Movies, TV screens reflect just what you expected
There’s a world of shiny people somewhere else
Out there following their bliss
living easy, getting kissed
while you wonder what else you’re doing wrong
Breathe through it, write a list of desires
Make a toast, make a wish, slash some tires
Paint a heart repeating, beating “don’t give up, don’t give up, don’t give up.”
A road map out of Iraq - Los Angeles Times
Baghdad Burning
Math anxiety saps working memory needed to do math - Yahoo! News
Monday, February 19, 2007
B+ tree - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So I'm back and my phone isn't working and databases confuse me and I'm sad cause I thought I was going to be able to talk to people after work......
Thursday, February 15, 2007
"Your Hate for Everything I am Brings Darkness to My World" |
On the top shelf, next to the trashy novels and other popular fiction, sat a Torah, the first five books of Moses, the prophet near and dear to both you and me. Next to the Torah sat a Koran. There they were, the holiest books in Judaism and Islam sitting perched on a bookshelf in my cousin’s house beneath the mountains of gift wrap from the recently wrapped presents.
I’m pretty sure that neither my birth cousin, the Jewish one, nor my in-law, the Muslim one, has cracked open those books in a while (I could see a little dust on the jackets). But as I sat there staring at the Torah and Koran nuzzled up together on that bookshelf, my eyes actually welled up at the transcendent experience that was taking place in that house, 8,000 miles and worlds of vision away from the image of the world you have been projecting to me since you became president.
Mahmoud, my eyes teared up because I discovered s"
I'm not saying run for the hills necessarily.....
Oceanic problems once found on a local scale are now pandemic. Data from oceanography, marine biology, meteorology, fishery science, and glaciology reveal that the seas are changing in ominous ways. A vortex of cause and effect wrought by global environmental dilemmas is changing the ocean from a watery horizon with assorted regional troubles to a global system in alarming distress.
According to oceanographers the oceans are one, with currents linking the seas and regulating climate. Sea temperature and chemistry changes, along with contamination and reckless fishing practices, intertwine to imperil the world’s largest communal life source.
In 2005, researchers from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory found clear evidence the ocean is quickly warming. They discovered that the top half-mile of the ocean has warmed dramatically in the past forty years as a result of human-induced greenhouse gases.
'Amphibian Ark' planned to save frogs - Yahoo! News
Um yeah, we are kinda stupid though....
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
I will shoot myself
just funny
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Surging CEO pay sparks US backlash, including from Bush - Yahoo! News
Hodgson added that companies that provide lavish benefits for CEOs while making cuts for those in the rank and file can have 'very big employee morale problems.'"
Daily Kos: Credit Cards: The Biggest Reverse Robin Hood Scheme You've Never heard Of
Now, here's another important factoid: As I mentioned, those interchange fees are much higher than they need to be, and that's because the banks that control the Visa/MC use the money generated from them to pay for the rewards cards you can only get if you qualify, and you have to be worth something already to qualify.
So think about it: A person living on a fixed income, who uses cash to pay for most items, pays a small percentage of that interchange fee every time he or she buys everyday goods at any place that takes credit cards. The banks then take those fees and give them to people who certainly don't need it, but like it when their bank gives them free stuff. And who doesn't like free stuff?
Hives and angioedema: Causes -
Allergic reactions to medications or foods can cause acute hives or angioedema. Many allergens have been identified. Examples include:
Foods. Many foods can cause problems in sensitive people, but shellfish, fish, nuts, eggs and milk are frequent offenders.
Medications. Almost any medication may cause hives or angioedema; common culprits include antibiotics, aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others) and blood pressure medications.
Other allergens. Other substances that can cause hives and angioedema include direct contact with pollen, animal dander, latex and insect stings. "
So I went to the hospital and got me some pregnazone. Hives are now mostly gone. I think Mexico is winning:)
Monday, February 12, 2007
Mystery ailment strikes honeybees - Yahoo! News
Sunday, February 11, 2007
2 Italians stoned to death on Cape Verde - Yahoo! News
Saturday, February 10, 2007
storm in the distance
Huge thunderstorm today. Hail, snow and very ominous clouds. trying to relax as last night was the first night I have slept in awhile. Tomorrow I am going touring. Pyramids, flea markets and hopefully something more interesting than the hotel and office:)
Friday, February 09, 2007
That which makes us clever, make us mad-News-UK-Science-TimesOnline
Scientists have discovered that a common version of a particular gene appears both to enhance a key thinking circuit in the brain, and to be linked to a raised risk of schizophrenia."
Thursday, February 08, 2007
moments of happiness
Happiness is an emotional or affective state that is characterized by feelings of enjoyment and satisfaction. As a state and a subject, it has been pursued and commented on extensively throughout world history. This reflects the universal importance that humans place on happiness.
Life is fickle and ephemeral by nature, so knowing this I strive constantly to appreciate moments of happiness. This is one of those moments. I've had a lovely dinner with nice wine from Chile. Good music is coming from my iTunes and I am reading a good book. I am far away from the people who give me roots and identity, but I feel intimately connected to them. I am overwhlemed by my job, but thrilled by the methods it is overwheming. There are people and places and smells that in concert define these moments. So that I am having such a moment in a far off land with no instigation whatsoever makes me even more in awe of life. My life has not been obvious or easy, but I am deeply grateful that it is my life and that I can, be proud of how I have spent my time so far. The time we get is a gift, only it doesn't "feel" that way often. So tonight as I look out at Mexico City and hope that I finally fall asleep tonight, I wanted to remember this moment. If only because there are so many moments not remembered or written down that we don't properly remember.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Daily Kos: CSI: Federal Reserve
In the 1970s, corporate chief executives earned 30 times as much as the average worker. Ten years ago, CEO compensation was 116 times the average. CEOs now earn close to 300 times as much as the average worker.
Understatement defined...
But to an official audit that in January 2005 revealed the "disappearance" of some nine billion dollars under his responsibility in Iraq, Bremer testified: "I know of no person who spent some meaningful time in Iraq who thought it was possible, under the conditions we worked," to impose modern accounting practices on money the authority spent.
uh huh
Helicopter 'hit by missile' says Iraqi official
by kittania
Wed Feb 07, 2007 at 07:20:59 AM PST
This is an extremely sad story that only gets worse as more details emerge. A four year old girl has died of a drug overdose. The drugs were given to her by her own parents on the advice of a family doctor.
The autopsy revealed that Rebecca Riley died of a lethal combination of drugs. The Rileys are accused of giving her too much Clonidine, a drug used to treat hyperactivity. When she was just 2 1/2 years old, a Boston psychiatrist diagnosed her with bi-polar disorder.
For anyone familar with BPD the first question would probably be, "how the hell do you recognized bi-polar disorder in a 2 year old?" In this case the diagnosis was made largely on genetic predisposition. Why was a diagnosis like this necessary? Well there's the possiblity it was all for medical insurance...
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Hell yeah, nail the bastards
Well isn't that special...
That is according to one of the disgraced pastor's overseers, who on Monday revealed new details about where Haggard has been and where he is headed.
The Rev. Tim Ralph of Larkspur also said the four-man oversight board strongly urged Haggard to go into secular work instead of Christian ministry if Haggard and his wife follow through on plans to earn master's degrees in psychology.
Monday, February 05, 2007
Friends, they really are that important
And autopsies were carried out on 90 patients who died during the study to look for certain physical signs associated with Alzheimer's disease such as deposits of protein outside and around nerve cells.
The team found that the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease increased by 51% for each point of the loneliness score.
Those with the highest loneliness score of 3.2 had about 2.1 times the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease compared to those with a low score of 1.4.
When the researchers factored in social isolation, such as if people had a small social network, the results did not change significantly.
Time management
Mexico City is located in the Valley of Mexico also called the Valley of Anáhuac, a large valley in the high plateaus at the center of Mexico, at an altitude of 2,240 meters (7,349 feet). It was originally built by the Aztecs in 1325 on an island of Lake Texcoco. The city was almost completely destroyed in the siege of 1521, and was redesigned and rebuilt in the following years following the Spanish urban standards. In 1524 the municipality of Mexico City was established, known as México Tenustitlan, and as of 1585 it is officially known as Ciudad de México
So today I bought a digital camera so I can take and upload photos which I hope to have uploaded by tomorrow. I also will start class. I have skype and just have to say again how tremendous I find technology. I am feel like I just down the street rather than thousands of miles from home:)
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Immersion, blogger style
Friday, February 02, 2007
Travel, Documents and life
The future stands still, dear Mr. Kappus, but we move in infinite space.
Between the oh so helpful global warming report, freakish storms killing people and oh so abundant rhetoric of bigotry one could get pessimistic. Instead I aim for neutrality when I can't obtain optimism. So tonight I am neutral. I am going out for dinner in my new town and will pack and panic tomorrow. Take care, love well and be safe but not to afraid.