"I believe this same problem comes up when men witness childbirth up close. There are certain poses in which a husband should not see his wife. By all means, be there for the entire labor, as I have been for the births of each of my eight children. But I strongly agree with the advice of the ancient rabbis that husbands should not be staring at the actual delivery. That is just too erotic a part of a wife's anatomy for it to become a mere birth canal."
Shout out to Jess on the title for the best comment on my blog ever!
Rabbi Shmuley is a victim of binary thinking. His entire article is based on two false opposites.
If you're not smart enough to resolve these opposites into a higher unity, you're probably too stupid to be a good father.
What a maroon.
He has a show on TLC called Shalome in the home. I've caught it a couple of times and while he seems very empathetic and concerned, he is definitely very traditionalist in his views.