Friday, May 20, 2011

Leaving Nairobi

I fly out to South Africa today following a week in Nairobi. I have been to see baby elphants, giraffes and the masai market. It has been awesome, from the matatu buses to the death defying street crossings. Life in Nairobi is not for the faint of heart. I can see why westerners get addicted to here. Life feels more immediate and edgy. Life also moves slower and yet much more seems to happen. I wish I had more time.

1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty sure I could get a baby elephant if I needed one.

    Seriously... life over there is more engaged because you're forced to live it. Every decision, even in the tourism realm, has more consequences. It seems nice to experience the raw realities in the short term... but the question is if you want to go the distance & sacrifice long term. Pass.

    You won a global lottery in your birthright, try not to forget that.
