Thursday, May 25, 2006

Mother Talkers :: Rants and Raves on Modern Motherhood

"The Berkeley Parents' Network listserve never fails to provide juicy blog fodder. A few weeks back, a mother wrote in to complain about dads hosting playdates. She had a few questions for the other moms out there.
Her first query was of the Ms. Manners variety: 'When my son is asked on a playdate, how can I insist on the Mom being in charge without offending anyone?'
Her later questions were of the harangue variety: 'Don't you people read the papers?' (i.e. Don't you read horror stories about male killers, kidnappers, and pedophiles?) And: 'Why on earth do you other moms put me in this awkward situation?'
The next listserve featured 48 responses to her post, and it was a pile-on of the first order. A huge percentage of respondants called her sexist and paranoid, and a fair number suggested she get therapy. Some working moms gave her a thorough tongue-lashing, and a few stay-at-home-dads lamented her attitude. Plenty of parents suggested that she get to know any parent who will be watching
her child, man or woman, to guage whether her child would be safe in their care."

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