Monday, April 23, 2007

Broadsheet -

Broadsheet - "Reason #2: A reader just sent us a link to his column from last week (available to non-TimesSelect subscribers here), in which he focused his cross-hairs on violence and misogyny. He reasons, 'A close look at the patterns of murderous violence in the U.S. reveals some remarkable consistencies, wherever the individual atrocities may have occurred. In case after case, decade after decade, the killers have been shown to be young men riddled with shame and humiliation, often bitterly misogynistic and homophobic, who have decided that the way to assert their faltering sense of manhood and get the respect they have been denied is to go out and shoot somebody.' The case of Virginia Tech killer Cho Seung-Hui is only the most recent example of some of this. Cho 'was reported to have stalked female classmates and to have leaned under tables to take inappropriate photos of women. A former roommate told CNN that Mr. Cho once claimed to have seen 'promiscuity' when he looked into the eyes of a woman on campus,' Herbert writes.

He continues: 'Violence is commonly resorted to as the antidote to the disturbing emotions raised by the widespread hostility toward women in our society and the pathological fear of so many men that they aren't quite tough enough, masculine enough -- in short, that they might have homosexual tendencies.'"

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