Saturday, January 14, 2006

Too much info

I sat in Barnes and Noble for awhile last night and read Business Week, Scientific American and the Economist shortly before scanning most the End of Faith. I don't recommend this for anyone who wants to stay sane and feel like the world isn't just spinning wildly out of control.
In the Business Week article, they detail how increasingly complex algorithms are being used to map all the data we all feed into the internet. There was another article, I think in Scientific America, that wondered whether Google's real end goal is to create a functioning artificial intelligence from the dynamic data its users provide.
The real fun one is summarized below. Hopefully we have all seen Gattaca. It appears to be coming in our lifetime.
So grab your loved ones, feel those emotions. We live in interesting times.

American: Genomes for All [ BIOTECHNOLOGY ]
Next-generation technologies that make reading DNA fast, cheap and widely accessible are coming in less than a decade. Their potential to revolutionize research and bring about the era of truly personalized medicine means the time to start preparing is now

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