Friday, February 02, 2007

Travel, Documents and life

I wrote a totally not legally binding will today and sent to people. I am going off into remote world for a little while and I watched Grey's Anatomy last night and in general have been feeling viscerally the fragility of life recently. Between, moving into my first own place in a new town with a new job and turning 30, time seems to have gone a little funky on me.

The future stands still, dear Mr. Kappus, but we move in infinite space.

Between the oh so helpful global warming report, freakish storms killing people and oh so abundant rhetoric of bigotry one could get pessimistic. Instead I aim for neutrality when I can't obtain optimism. So tonight I am neutral. I am going out for dinner in my new town and will pack and panic tomorrow. Take care, love well and be safe but not to afraid.

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