Friday, June 02, 2006

Need to Kvetch

So I am trying to complete all the necessary tasks for school. It has been nearly ten years since I "registered" for school. Yes I took those classes at Harvard for awhile, but they just said pay us money and you are in. ASU on the other hand.....

I can not friggin register for classes until I prove that I have gotten two MMR shots. I am 30 goddamn years old. I don't even remember the name of the doctor, who I am sure has long since retired, in Florida who gave us our original boosters. Seriously. I know I am ambivalent about school etc, but immunization shots for an evening program? I won't be around during the day to infect your real students.

later on...Ok apparently I can get a blood test to prove I'm immune. I'm going to be pissed if that comes back negative.

Have an awesome weekend everyone.

1 comment:

  1. A friend of mine, who was recently registering her kids for kindergarten (public school...the "usual" deal)...was subjected to the same immunization scrutiny. After FINALLY negotiating the maze of proving shots/birth certificates/residency etc... her kids were deemed worthy of receiving an esteemed eastern NC education.
    Her point: after navigating this daunting gauntlet (as a white, middle class, educated gal with kids) does ANYONE who doesn't fit the mold make it thru? The fear of illegal immigrant children making it into our education system and dragging it down is unfounded. It's not easy for the "most qualified" to even enroll!
